welcome to our family blog - where any one of us can let you know what we are, who we are, where we are what we doing & being - new adventures of the rhodes family. but its mainly for S and O to let you know whats going on for them to keep you in touch with their extraordinary lives.
This past weekend was a great one, S woke up with 2 vampire bites on his neck. We went to the local Fayre and were on a ride when a suspicious character was seen to be hanging around (see closely at picture). We decided he needed to get out the knife he bought camping last week and whittle a wooden stake to destroy the vampire. We went for a walk in Sheen Common, where we got lost and lost our dog but we found a perfect wooden stick. Sunday afternoon was spent whittling in the shade in the garden and then last night the stake was kept under his pillow. The vampire returned and was destroyed - thank goodness for that!
O says: is it for real?
I say: look at the pictures and decide for yourself

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